Saturday, June 13, 2020

Evolving Practice Of Nursing & Patient Care Delivery Models - 1100 Words

Evolving Practice Of Nursing And Patient Care Delivery Models (Term Paper Sample) Content: Evolving practice of Nursing and patient care delivery modelsName:Institution:Evolving practice of Nursing and patient care delivery modelsQuestion 1The evolving patient care delivery models and practice of nursing is expected to change and grow not only in terms of practice but also in relation to education and leadership thus serving its purpose of offering the best healthcare services in the United States. Continuity of care is so important to primary healthcare just as other concepts such as coordination of care, patient-centered care and integration of care. Continuity of care is the association that exists between the healthcare provider and the patient that goes beyond disease episodes. With the kind of healthcare restructuring in the U.S, this care will involve acute care and self-care planning. The aim is to establish a sustainable approach to care and ensure that healthcare services are personalized depending on the changing customer needs. There are three major types of continuity of care; relational continuity, management continuity and informational continuity. Relational continuity is the constant therapeutic relationship that exists between the patient and care provider, management continuity is the consistent management of illness in a way that is consistent to patient changing needs while informational continuity is the provision of the most relevant care to patients by using past incidences. To ensure that American citizens receive the best healthcare services it is important to maximize the unique contribution of nurses and update state as well as federal actions . The states and insurance are supposed to follow certain specified policies and financial changes giving patients freedom to choose from several providers, which include APRNs. Removal of financial barriers and policies in order to increase patient choice and promote patient-centered care is supposed to be the key focus in an effort to ensure reforms in the health care system. In the United States, the health sector is getting a face-lift because the clients are provided with top-notch healthcare services. The demand for nurses and the services they offer is, therefore, growing because of this shift in the delivery of healthcare services. Increased state and federal funding on Nurse-managed clinics have led to positive impact on care. It involves study of the environment where the patient lives instead of simply treating the current disease. It is also a personal-centered care that caters for the healthcare needs of most people who are uninsured. Today, however, the area of particular focus to Nurses Association in the U.S is accountable care organizations (ACO's). This includes a group of healthcare service providers such as nurses, physicians, and other professionals but does not include certified nurse-midwives. The nursing fraternity needs the education to understand how these people can collaborate and provide quality care to Medicare beneficiaries. Medical homes have become so popular today and they provide primary healthcare services through patient-centered approach. The focus is to provide the best care while at the same time respect patient dignity. It allows patients access care within a very short time because the services are provided where patients are. Question 2Concerning feedback from my nurse colleagues, they are highly supportive of my presentation and they believe that there is need for appropriate government legislation to further improve the current state of health in the United States. They agree that action coalitions can improve the future of nursing and diverse groups related to healthcare stakeholders. The coalitions set specific goals aimed at improving health sector by taking advantage of the potential that professional nursing offers. It requires involvement of stakeholders to ensure that a clear blueprint is developed. Thus, the nurses concur that this collaborative approach is a signifi cant step towards realization of quality care given that the best care cannot be realized without involvement of different stakeholders . Besides, they agree that nursing has the huge potential especially in transforming healthcare sector in the United States. The profession plays a critical role in ensuring that patients do not only get services they need but they can also get a continuous support from professional nurses who are committed to establishing a lasting relationship. According to the nurses who gave their feedback, the Accountable Care Organizations must ensure that they prioritize the critical challenges facing the nurses. Most of the time nurses fail to provide the best care to the patients because of the many challenges that they face. By highlighting the issues that nurses face the state and federal government gets the opportunity to clearly understand the complex challenges that hinder nurses from offering the best care and try to solve them. The professional nurs es needed to be given an opportunity to practice their profession without much interference because by doing so it gives them morale and motivation to do even better. Furthermore, they argue that the greatest impediment to Action Coalitions advancement is underutilization of nursing profession. A majority of the healthcare organizations have very limited number professional nurses who can offer enhanced services. The few professional nurses who have been hired strain so much because of the huge number of patients to be attended to by a limited number of staff. The situation i...

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